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发布时间:2017-05-24 10:04  来源:汇视网   编辑:文辉  阅读量:17536   




Q: 这次比赛柯洁小负AlphaGo,有一种比较有脑洞的说法是AlphaGo已经不满足于仅仅获胜了,而是希望能具体地控制输赢的差距。请问AlphaGo真的达到这样的程度了吗?如果没有的话,还有多久才能做到?

Demis Hassabis: So AlphaGo always tries to maximize its probability of winning rather than to maximize the size of the winning margin. So whenever we see it has a decision to make, it will always try to pick the more certain path… that it thinks is a more certain path to victory with less risk. So often in positions that’s what we see the tradeoff that AlphaGo is making is to decide about how certain it is about the margin of victory and how likely the probability of victory. David, if you want to add anything to that.


David Silver: So…it’s a very interesting question. The way AlphaGo works is as Demis said, it maximizes the probability of winning the game. This means that we program into AlphaGo a goal. That goal is in match what we really want it to do, which is to try and win games of Go. You could imagine other objectives being applied, such as maximizing the gap, the margin of victory, but this is not the objective that we chose for AlphaGo to play in the game of Go. So if you really focus on victory, then it leads to these behaviors where AlphaGo will try to win, and in doing so, it may give up a number of points in favor of actually just reducing any risks it may perceives, even if that risk seems to be very small.



·人机大战首局柯洁执黑先行 在传统开局中求变化·AlphaGo中盘阶段显示实力 柯洁遇考验陷入长考·AlphaGo大局清晰占主动 柯洁孤注一掷图谋大龙·柯洁官子阶段苦觅逆转良机 AlphaGo144手略意外


·党毅飞、范蔚菁解析人机大战 柯洁 VS AlphaGo(1) ·党毅飞、范蔚菁解析人机大战 柯洁 VS AlphaGo(2) ·党毅飞、范蔚菁解析人机大战 柯洁 VS AlphaGo(3) ·党毅飞、范蔚菁解析人机大战 柯洁 VS AlphaGo(4) ·党毅飞、范蔚菁解析人机大战 柯洁 VS AlphaGo(5) ·党毅飞、范蔚菁解析人机大战 柯洁 VS AlphaGo(6)


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