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发布时间:2017-05-24 10:04  来源:汇视网   编辑:白鸽  阅读量:10640   




Q: 你认为阿尔法围棋有什么缺陷吗?

Demis Hassabis: You know, so…you know that’s why we are here for the summit, is that we want to discover if a great player like Ke Jie can find some weaknesses that we don't know, and even AlphaGo doesn't know from playing against itself. So of course when we played our match against Lee Sedol, in Game 4, Lee Sedol, with his brilliant creativity, found a weakness and managed to win this game, and it was very interesting for us to see this gap in the knowledge of AlphaGo. And so in the last year, we went back to try and improve the architecture and the system and for it to learn more against itself and to see if we could solve this knowledge gap. So we believe we have fixed that knowledge gap, but of course there could be many other new areas that it doesn't know, and we don't know either. And that’s why we are here, to see if it can be discovered.


Q: 我是不是可以这么说,未来AlphaGo会探知人类的一些极限?

Demis Hassabis: I think the way to think about this is that Go is this amazing subject that is…got almost limitless possibilities. You know… as I said in my opening talk, I see AlphaGo as a tool for Go players and the Go community to use, to explore these mysteries and truth of Go, and find out more. And I hope that the Go players are enjoying the last year, including these matches and the matches online, the Master series. And I hope that it has contributed to improving our understanding of this amazing game. So I see it as a tool we can use, for great players like Ke Jie and Lee Sedol to discover more about the game that we all love.



·人机大战首局柯洁执黑先行 在传统开局中求变化·AlphaGo中盘阶段显示实力 柯洁遇考验陷入长考·AlphaGo大局清晰占主动 柯洁孤注一掷图谋大龙·柯洁官子阶段苦觅逆转良机 AlphaGo144手略意外


·党毅飞、范蔚菁解析人机大战 柯洁 VS AlphaGo(1) ·党毅飞、范蔚菁解析人机大战 柯洁 VS AlphaGo(2) ·党毅飞、范蔚菁解析人机大战 柯洁 VS AlphaGo(3) ·党毅飞、范蔚菁解析人机大战 柯洁 VS AlphaGo(4) ·党毅飞、范蔚菁解析人机大战 柯洁 VS AlphaGo(5) ·党毅飞、范蔚菁解析人机大战 柯洁 VS AlphaGo(6)

